NEWS FROM OUR LIBRARY - September 2024

The TTES students incoming grades K-5 enrolled in one of three book club memberships. The Rookie membership was geared for emerging readers, and they colored a shape each time they read a book. The Team Player membership played a round of reading bingo where the students read different types of books in a variety of ways. The All-Star membership required students to read 10 books with a boy and girl winner from each grade level with the most pages read with his/her 10 titles.
This first summer reading program concluded with 10 students who turned in their summer records of reading their books. All-Star members from grades 3-5 read 40 books totaling 8,870 pages and named as the MVPs. Rookie members in grades K-3 read over 350 books all together this summer.
Before the home game, along with the of the school mascots, each reader was escorted by a LHS football player or cheerleader in front of the stadium where the announcer applauded each students’ summer reading accomplishments. The students received a certificate from Dr. Carver and a bookmark for their next favorite book. In addition, the MVP readers received a personalized hand-made canvas book bag to collect their next favorite books.
Following the library orientation, students will be able to participate in the next Bookworm Bunch reading program.
The titles of books being shared with students this month support library orientation. Orientation for library patrons includes:
- the library rules
- the library sections,
- how to find the right book,
- book checkout process
- book care
Book titles from Lil' Timmy's personal collection being shared include:
- The Secret Life of Library Books by Anne J. Brown
- The Book that Jake Borrowed by Susan Hold Kralovansky
Library lesson book titles include:
Amelia Bedelia's First Library Card by Herman Parish
Houndsly and Catina at the Library by James Hows
Froggy Goes to the Library by Jonathan London
The top book title checked out last school year with 46 circulations was Cabin Fever by Jeff Kinney. Several other titles of Kenney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid held the top five spots. Another patrons' favorite author, Mo Willems, had 39 circulations for the title The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog.
The TTES library has over 13, 000 print titles in the library to include new ones ready to be borrowed.
-Borrowing Books -
Grade Level Number of Books That Can Be Checked Out
K-2 1 to 2
3 Up to 3
4 Up to 4
5 Up to 5
Books can be returned to the library as they are finished.