Dr. Whitney Stephens


Dr. Whitney Stephens joins the Camp Lejeune family from Spangdahlem Air Base in Germany where she was serving military-connected students and their families as a School Counselor at Spangdahlem Elementary School. 

Dr. Stephens was born and raised in Shreveport, LA. She earned her bachelor's degree in Elementary Education, grades 1-8, from Louisiana Tech University. She has a master’s degree in School Counseling and a second master’s degree in Educational Leadership. She is currently completing her dissertation to graduate with her doctorate degree in Curriculum and Instruction in 2024.

Dr. Stephens has been a teacher since 2006 where she started her career in Shreveport, LA teaching 4th grade in Caddo and Bossier Parishes. After marrying her active-duty Air Force husband, they took off for his career that took them around the world. During his time in active-duty, Dr. Stephens taught first, second, and third grades, she served as a reading specialist, and she worked as a School Counselor with DoDEA in Spangdahlem, Germany, Okinawa, Japan, and Fort Novosel, AL. Upon her husband’s retirement, Dr. Stephens was fortunate enough to return to Spangdahlem Elementary School for a second time to serve as a School Counselor.

During her time with public schools, Dr. Stephens took on many leadership roles within the school, to include implementing PBIS school-wide initiatives as part of the PBIS team and being 4th grade team leader.  Within DoDEA, Dr. Stephens has been in numerous leadership positions that encouraged her to pursue a road of educational leadership. She has served as a grade-level leader, CSI grade-level leader, SQF leader, teacher representative on the SAC committee, 504 Chairperson, and Student Support Team Chairperson. She has designed and led many Parent Universities and Principal Coffees. Dr. Stephens has been part of the pilot PBIS program at Spangdahlem Elementary School to implement PBIS principles and procedures with the first of DoDEA schools, as well. Additionally, Mrs. Stephens served as Interim Assistant Principal before her move to Camp Lejeune. 

Dr. Stephens is passionate about the unwavering support and consistent data-driven instruction our diverse military-connected students need and deserve. She understands that it is an honor and privilege to serve our military-connected students and work closely with their families to support their holistic educational and developing needs. Understanding the immense impact relationships have on school climate and student achievement, it is Dr. Stephens’ mission to grow relationships with staff, teachers, students, families, and the community to make school a better place for all. 

Outside of school, Dr. Stephens is married to her retired Air Force husband, and they have one child. They enjoy traveling and exploring all kinds of new places and cultures together. Dr. Stephens and her family are excited to move to the Camp Lejeune area, and she is honored to be able to serve the faculty and families of Tarawa Terrace Elementary School.

DoDEA's official photo of Ms. Whitney Stephens.

Dr. Whitney Stephens

Assistant Principal

84 Iwo Jima Blvd
Tarawa Terrace, NC 28543
United States

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