Tarawa Terrace Elementary School is part of Camp Lejeune Schools in the DoDEA Americas Mid-Atlantic District. Tarawa Terrace ES serves students in PK to grade 5. Read More

The U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) is a public engagement initiative for school sustainability that is structured as a federal recognition award. By highlighting schools, districts, postsecondary institutions, and early learning centers’ cost-saving, health promoting, and performance-enhancing sustainability practices, ED-GRS celebrates these institutions and brings more attention to their work.

The U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) Program, which was launched in 2011, is an awards program that recognizes the most innovative schools in the Nation based on three achievement areas.

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Green Ribbon Schools

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School Hours

Grade Regular Hours Wednesday Hours
PK - 5 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Students who are eating breakfast may enter building beginning at 8:00. All other students arrive between 8:15-8:25.

Arrival Dismissal Procedures

Arrival Procedures

  • 8:00- Breakfast Students may enter the building
  • 8:15-8:25- PreK -K will enter the building through the back entrance and report to the new gym; Students 1-5 will enter the building and report to the old gym
  • 8:25- First Bell- Students dismissed to class
  • 8:30- Tardy Bell- Instructional Day Begins

Morning Arrivals for the Breakfast Program & Late Arrivals to School

The instructional school day begins at 8:30 AM. Children should not arrive before 8:15 AM. Prior to 8:15 AM there is no one available to supervise children. Children participating in the breakfast program may arrive at 8:00 AM. Due to the time involved with getting breakfast from the cafeteria and having time to eat, children must arrive before 8:15 AM. Children will only be allowed to enter the school through the main corridor located in the front of the school and must go directly to the cafeteria to participate in the breakfast program or to assemble in the gym until the 8:25 AM bell rings. When it is necessary for a child to arrive after the school day begins, 8:30 AM, a parent/guardian must accompany the child to the office to sign him/her in and to pick up a Tardy Admit Slip. The child must present the Tardy Admit Slip to the teacher for admittance to class.

Dismissal Procedures

  • 3:00 - Dismissal Begins
  • 3:00 - Pre-K &older siblings
  • 3:05 - Bus riders & K
  • 3:10 - 1st &2nd Grade
  • 3:15 - 3rd -5th Grade

Wednesday Early Release Schedule For Students: 8:30-1:00

  • 1:00- Pre-K & older siblings
  • 1:05- Bus riders & K
  • 1:10- 1st &2nd Grade?1:15 -3rd -5th Grade

Pre-Kindergarten Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

  • Session 1, 8:30-11:00
  • Session 2, 12:30- 3:00

Wednesday- Early Release

  • Session 1, 8:30-10:25
  • Session 2, 11:05- 1:00
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